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Get Out Your Own Way

By Jerald Council,, Repost - 8/26/18

Have you ever met someone who stood in their own way? They dream of success, but continually fall short. They unknowingly block their own progress and deny themselves personal growth, acceptance, promotion, happiness and other life rewards.

I believe everyone has a natural born talent. Some master their talents at a young age and others grow into their talents later in life. Either way, opportunities will occur when the need to showcase those innate abilities will be required.

Will you be ready when opportunity knocks? Or will you stand in your own way because you are not properly prepared?

No one is stopping you from being successful. It takes aspiration and desire to go the extra mile. You must think like winners do to achieve success. According to Inc. 500 entrepreneur and best-selling author Kevin Daum, here are a few traits winners share:

Instead of making excuses and feeling left behind, get proactive and prepare for opportunities by seeking the expertise to expand your marketability. In Dr. Mark Goulston’s 1996 book titled, “Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior,” he writes numerous chapters defining self-defeating behaviors. Those behaviors include procrastination, playing it safe, holding a grudge, trying to change others, inaction, envy, anger, self-pity, taking things too personally, quitting too soon, letting fear run your life, leaving too much to chance and more.

Murals adorn a movie theater in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Life is full of obstacles that try to keep you from pursuing your dreams. Why should you stand in your own way? Get courageous and grow your knowledge base. You already have the talent, so let’s reset your objectives. That starts when you get out your own way!